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Architecture, like other arts, produces 'culture capital', by which people display their upper class status through their tastes and possessions. One can hardly consume more conspicuously than through architecture.
-- Dana Kuff 1991


Double Glazed Windows and Doors is the only double glazed window manufacturer in Australia with enough technical skills and enthusiasm for customer service to create and maintain a unique online pricing and ordering service. You can now easily receive a quote and place an order for your double glazed windows and doors through our website. It is easy to use and features detailed explanations throughout. Quoting and buying double glazing couldn't be easier!

Using the online quoting and ordering system you can compare the costs of different styles; try different glazing combinations; analyse results: how size of order affects delivery and installation fees, define the most cost effective order etc; learn about and add custom features such as specialty hardware, window and door design with colours, shapes and styles; estimate completion and delivery date; and develop a plan for payment. We are working on an online credit card payment system, which will enable you to make an immediate payment when you have decided to order, which will enable us to better cater for urgent double glazing needs.

This section is for existing clients only, if you are not a customer of Double Glazed Windows and Doors, you will not be able to use this secure portal. If you are a new customer, to make it easy, we invite you to send us an email with your schedule.

Please note that orders for double glazed windows and doors are not processed immediately, but they are checked (several times) daily. Orders completed after hours may not processed until the following business day. In addition, manufacturing of your double glazed windows and doors will not commence until the deposit payment has been made regardless of whether an online, telephone or email order was made. Unfortunately, this portal has a restriction up to a maximum of 10,000 double glazing items per single order, so if your order exceeds this please contact us by phone or email.

Check the information you provide carefully because incorrectly specified glass or double glazing window and door items, whether style or size may not be easily changed if manufacturing has commenced. If manufacturing has not commenced, you will be able to change your order of double glazed windows and doors anytime.

For our architect and builder clients, we have an added functionality where you can create multiple orders of double glazed windows and doors for the same customer (if there are multiple locations, for example). However, we may not necessarily manufacture all the double glazing items for the same customer together, in a separate production batch run to all other order of double glazed upvc products- so please contact your sales contact to discuss any special circumstances.

Individual consumers with a designated account after placing an order for double glazed products will have to schedule for a technician to confirm the sizes before manufacturing can begin, but by placing the order they secure a production timeslot at our factory even in the busiest times.

If you are unable to access your double glazed window and door order to change it, this may be due to either technical problems or because production has commenced. In the case of the former, contact the sales team for information, in the case of the latter, contact will have to be made with the factory manager. We always try to accommodate our clients with changes, but note that in some cases it is not possible to do so free of charge, for example when the double glazed upvc window or door has been completed or almost finished - this is when the customer will have to pay for an additional double glazing item.

For existing clients, if you are unable to login in for whatever reason you can sms your customer number to the following mobile service: 0401 755 673 (Please note that this mobile service DOES NOT accept incoming calls and is an sms only service; if you already have a quote and want to speak to someone urgently, you may decide to call the sales representative on their mobile, which is located in the top right hand corner of the quote.)


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942  

Bay Window


Nothing can maximise cross ventilation without crating a draft like Bay Windows. They are more than just a period feature - when strategically placed they can replace air conditioning and provide a lovely feature for your home. They also make the room feel more spacious and appear larger, so they have been known to increase the value of a property. Typically, the bay windows are very large, even covering almost the entire distance from floor to ceiling. The effect of prolific natural light and stunning outdoor views from any angle in the room can be filtered or softened with window treatments.   Examine all the facts on double glazed bay window page


Tilt & Turn Door


When design and utility are a priority, our cutting edge technology is sure to impress! For exceptional thermal and acoustic performance coupled with trouble free maintenance and ingenious design, this Door will exceed your expectations. The inward swinging Tilt and Turn Double Glazed Door, operates in the same way as the Tilt and Turn Double Glezed Window, and is built with the same care and precision that any window and door deserves. Special high quality hardware allow a single handle to operate all three functions: multiple security locking points for safety when locked, special hinges allowing the window to tilt inside for gentle air flow, and of course, the fully opening 'turn' function for maximum air flow and ventilation.   Supplementary advice on double glazed tilt & turn door


Sliding Door


for a natural and continuous entry into the outdoor entertaining area, which defines any modern home, choose Window Factory Double Glazed Sliding Doors. Functional, intelligent and convenient are the defining characteristics of our Double Glazed Sliding Doors. All our doors are quipped with high quality hardware for effortless opening and closing enhance all these aspects. We combine efficient technology for Double Glazed Sliding Doors with sophisticated design creating that indispensable convenience for your home. Popular with contemporary homes, our Sliding system offers additional benefit of saving space and when used with mirrored glass, can even serve as a room divider for guest privacy.   Greater detail on double glazed sliding door can be found here


Side Hinged Window


A meticulously controlled work process allows increased speed and economies of scale advantage in production and assembly. The design elements in the classic Side Hinged Double Glazed windows are sometimes subdued, but fundamentally enriching - aesthetically and through improved comfort. The classic design allows to emerge important elements such as a strong sense of mass, structural legibility and strength with clear proportional relationships between solid and void. Side Hinged windows are similar to Casement windows, but open out and provide the highest possible acoustic and thermal insulation. Side Hinged windows are uncomplicated and cost-efficient, and when combined with our double glazed units, and offer exceptional improvements in performance when compared against ordinary aluminium or wooden windows. With architect's help, the Side Hinged Double Glazed windows will no doubt encourage inhabitants or users to gain architectural delight from their serendipitous journeys throughout the home.   Additional information on double glazed side hinged window can be found at this location


Tilt & Turn Window


Every day we face tough new challenges and innovate according to our clients' needs and desires, leaving a lasting impression on everyone with our Double Glazed Windows. The most versatile and flexible window that retains its popularity through the changing trends in architecture and interior design is the Double Glazed Tilt & Turn window, which adapts to the users intention to ventilate, clean or insulate through unique hardware and security features. As well as the possibility of opening inwards or outwards, by turning the handle, clients will have the option to tilt the window inside slightly and ventilate or clean the window easily. And of course, for extraordinary performance in acoustic and thermal insulation for full control of the environment inside your home, you will be close it shut and lock it indefinitely for extra security.   Get the answers on your questions on double glazed tilt & turn window on this page


Composite Door


The Composite Door is gaining in popularity with great speed for clients wanting noise insulation, strength, durability and security. All our Composite Doors contain a solid interior, which is made with reinforced materials, allowing our clients to gain increased security over even a solid wooden door, and will no doubt keep the insurance provider pleased. Composite doors are extremely strong, so they don't buckle, dent or warp, because they are designed to look better and provide more security for a longer period, than wooden or glass alternatives, yet they are very price competitive. The surface contains a glass reinforced polymer material and will not fade or lose colour. Additional feature includes advanced properties that shield from the weather, to ensure you have value for money in a door that lasts for decades, not just a few years.   Read more on double glazed composite door


French Door


Make a grand entrance to your outdoor living area and impress your family and friends with our traditional and carefully crafted Double Glazed French Doors that add charm and elegance to any home! Double Glazed French Doors open and close like conventional doors, and with an outswing design can save interior space, where it is limited. Combine with a wheelchair accessible threshold, a sidelight/ fixed panel or colonial bars that add the classic look of divided light, and Double Glazed French Doors will become a stunning feature of your home!   Read more on double glazed french door


Casement Window


Casement windows are an excellent choice for consumers concerned with acoustic, thermal and safety performance. The difference is obvious at a glance - the frame and sash look sturdy and substantial when compared to ordinary aluminium and wooden windows. You can have a beautifull home, but if you install inexpensive windows, the strucure of the home can feel cheaply built.   Get the answers on your questions on double glazed casement window on this page


Bifold Window


Combining the mastery of old world craftsmanship and progressive German engineering technologies, we create the most sophisticated upvc windows for the intelligent consumer who has the capacity to discern between a cheap imitation which creates disappointment, and our exceptional double glazed windows which will please and delight for years to come. Specified by architects as attributes of buildings, bifold windows bring out qualities of creativity, intelligence and magnificence that are easy to recognize but difficult to quantify or replicate by an inferior product. By making choices one transfers to the material assemblage of a building those attributes which really belong to one's personality. It is inevitable that qualities that feature in the buildings' owners' characters are read into architecture. What do your windows say about you?   Extra information about double glazed bifold window can be found here


Bifold Door


Embrace the beauty and sophistication of our Bifold Double Glazed Door carefully crafted with uncompromising expertise and unsurpassed quality The Double Glazed Doors are the ideal choice for the aspiring or an expert entertainer, offering an awe inspiring effect of an unobstructed opening onto a pool deck, garden, private beach, bushland or conservatory. The superior performance features are maintained in this style, offering acoustic insulation of upto 40 dB, with excellent energy efficiency rating measured by a u-value of 1.8, all while being corrosion resistant and environmentally friendly.   Get the answers on your questions on double glazed bifold door on this page


Float Glass


Is the most cost effective option because the features of this type of glass are rather basic. Float glass refers to a completely flat plane of clear glass. The term float is derived from the production method, and this type of glass is also often referred to as flat glass.   Examine all the facts on double glazed float glass page


High Performance


For windows and doors that do more than just open and close, but actually work for you to reduce your household or office energy bill by utilizing an energy efficient profile system and double glazing. Convenient and comfortable in many ways, they are an essential part of insulating your home or office, for a more sustainable living experience. A standard aluminium sliding window can add 40% heating/ cooling loss in the home. Would you purchase an appliance that can only ever operate at a maximum 60% capacity? But this is essentially what you are doing when your home is poorly insulated! The same high performance extends to acoustic insulation, with a potential reduction of 45dB in our casement, awning, tilt&turn and bifold range. The high-tech weather seal in combination with fusion welding of frames and sashes make the windows completely air and water tight - they have been tested to withstand even cyclone strength winds!   Examine all the facts on double glazed high performance page


Draft Proof


There are significant savings in electricity that will pay for your windows in 6-7 years and will reduce your CO2 emissions by about 100-150kg per year. For an indication of energy efficiency of a window or door, look for the U-value or R-value. U-value measures the overall heat transfer coefficient, or how well the window/door conducts heat and is also the inverse of the R-value. The lower the U-value, the greater a window's resistance to heat flow and the better its insulating value. Our windows boast a value of 1.8, which means they perform three times better than an aluminium framed window with a typical value of 5.4-5.6. And since windows can contribute to between 15-40% energy loss in a building, installing the most energy efficient windows available should be the intelligent homeowner's priority.   A complete guide for double glazed draft proof can be found here


Delivery Schedule


Double Glazed Windows and Doors strive to deliver your order of double glazed pvc products in the shortest possible time to maintain high standards of service and efficiency. Normally delivery occurs 2-6 weeks after order, at an agreed date, however delivery times are dependent on size & complexity of your order as well as your location. Customers are also welcome to make their own arrangements to pick up the double-glazed windows and doors from our pvc window and door manufacturing facility.   Greater detail on double glazed delivery schedule can be found here


Euroslide Staker


The all-round customer-friendly double glazed products offer an enhanced appearance as well as superior fabrication ease and performance. Together, the advanced form and function of sliding window system ensure lasting high quality, simple installation and satisfied customers. The Rehau Euroslide Design can be used to make a wide variety of upvc sliding double glazed windows and doors. Three main categories of pvcu window and door design can be fabricated.   Continued on the double glazed euroslide staker page


Sizes and Dimentions


The total cost of delivery is directly related to the sizes and number of double glazing items in your order. If any of your double glazed windows or doors exceed a certain level in either height or width, we must use a bigger truck, which will raise the cost of delivery, even if you have only a single double glzing item. The first delivery level is 4m wide; the second delivery level is 6m wide. Of course, we always stack the items in a most efficient way to save space.   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed sizes and dimentions click here


Laminated Glass


Is a sandwich made of one thin layer of plastic Poly Vinyl Butyral between two or more sheets of glass. The PVB sticks with the glass, forms chemical as well as mechanical bonds. When laminated with annealed glass, the layer maintains the geometric integrity of the pane in case of breakage.
Also, it gives acoustic insulation as well as providing protection against damage caused due to UV radiation because it cuts almost 99% of UV radiation present in the sunlight.   Get the answers on your questions on double glazed laminated glass on this page


Euroslide Door


The all-round customer-friendly double glazed products offer an enhanced appearance as well as superior fabrication ease and performance. Together, the advanced form and function of sliding window system ensure lasting high quality, simple installation and satisfied customers. The Rehau Euroslide Design can be used to make a wide variety of upvc sliding double glazed windows and doors. Three main categories of pvcu window and door design can be fabricated.   Supplementary advice on double glazed euroslide door


Profile Systems


First impressions count and every effort has been taken to achieve the correct balance between form and functionality - visual appeal and practicality. From the strategic positioning of hardware, unrivalled surface finishing quality to the colour options - the Rehau Prestige Design leads the market in double glazed windows and door systems. Rehau is a German plastics manufacturer with world class facilities and unlimited polymer solutions. Get all the facts on double glazed profile systems.   Examine all the facts on double glazed profile systems page




Double Glazed Windows and Doors are committed to protecting our staff, customers, associates and public from risk and injury associated with working with windows and glass products. Most accidents are preventable, and we provide extensive training for our staff to deal with various situations and armed with knowledge and experience, we are confident they are well prepared for uncertainty. Double Glazed Windows and Doors maintain an effective OH&S plan that not only complies with the law, but also is continuously improved as we try to uphold the highest level of safety that reaches beyond minimum legal requirements.   Additional information on double glazed safety can be found at this location




Double Glazed Windows and Doors uses only quality hardware. Maco Secure guarantees the performance of their double glazed upvc window and door hardware against break-in through failure of their products. Should in the unlikely event of a break-in through the double glazed window hardware Maco Secure will re-imburse any insurance excesses up to a maximum. Get the answers on your questions on double glazed hardware on this page.   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed hardware click here




Double Glazed Windows and Doors' focus is to keep the costs down - and this is transferred to the client in form of lower prices. Our staff are constantly maintaining and improving our processes for maximum automation and efficiency to maintain leadership and set high standards in the double glazing industry. In order to compete on price, Double Glazed Windows and Doors have created a lean business, and due to almost complete automation using high tech machinery, a considerably better class and value double-glazed product. Continued on the double glazed factory page.   Additional information on double glazed factory can be found at this location


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942