Sound Insulating Windows Low E Glass

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Low E Glass  

Sunburn is very becoming, but only when it is even - one must be careful not to look like a mixed grill.
-- Noel Coward


A cool, metal oxide coating is applied to clear or tinted glass, so that the appearance and performance are the same regardless of glass thickness. Low-e glass brings out the best that technology has to offer for improving your views and comfort!
Low-E glass typically costs about 15% more than ordinary glass, but it reduces energy use by as much as 30–50%, by using most of the heat gain in winter but keep the harmful UV rays out during the summer, and when used in insulated glass units - can have even better benefits. For hot climates, low-E coating should be applied to the outside pane of glass. If the windows are designed to provide heat energy in the winter and keep heat inside the house typical of cold climates, the Low-E coating will maximise benefit by being on the inside pane of glass. Low-e glass is recommended by many energy efficiency experts as a result of high performance combined with aesthetics.

Window glass was revolutionized in the 1970’s. Insulated glass (two or more pieces of glass with an air space between) made its debut in the early 70s. Low E glass was introduced in 1979. The E stands for Emissivity. Low E glass works by reflecting heat back to its source. This is done by utilizing an ultra thin metallic coating on or in the glass.

Among other things, sunlight contains visible light, UV light, and infrared (IR) light. Visible light enables us to see things. Ultraviolet light damages your skin, wood, fabrics, leather and causes colors to fade. Infrared light is basically heat. Low E glass has the ability to allow visible light to pass while blocking certain amounts of UV light and IR light.


The infrared light in sunlight is powerful – affected objects become hot. These objects can be your tile floors, furniture, sidewalks, patio furniture, etc. As these objects cool off, they emit a low powered form of IR light.

Low E glass reflects this form of energy. In the summer this helps to keep your house cooler, as the heat from objects outside is kept outside. In winter, all objects in your home are heated (by either the sun or your heater). This heat is also bounced back into your house by the low E glass.

There are two types of low E glass: hard coat and soft coat. Tin is applied directly to the molten glass to make hard coat low E glass. It is hard to scratch the tin off the glass. The soft coat process commonly involves the application of a thin layer of silver while the glass is in a vacuum.

Because this type of coating is delicate, soft coat low E glass is always sandwiched with another piece of glass. It can also oxidize if exposed to air. Argon gas is sometimes used to prevent this oxidation.This gas also acts as an additional insulator.


Low E glass helps to eliminate condensation on glass. The inside surface temperature of the glass is warmer. The differences can be dramatic. Imagine a cold night with an outside temperature of 0 degrees and a 15 mph wind. The inside temperature of a single pane window would be approximately 26 degrees. Regular double pane glass might register 35 degrees. Hard coat low E glass would be very near 49 degrees. And weighing in at champ would be soft coat low E glass at 62 degrees.

Some glass manufacturers have gone even further. They have suspended thin, low E transparent films in between pieces of glass. This system has excellent performance characteristics. Some of these films can block 99.5 percent of UV light. Some boast an insulating value twice that of soft coat low E glass. Low E glass is worth the price, especially since houses can loose 40% percent of the home heating or cooling through windows. That’s why it is worthwhile to purchase the highest quality low-E glass you can afford.



Low-E glass filters long-wave radiation from the sun. This reduces solar heat gain from the summer sun, helping to keep your home cooler. Additionally, in the summertime where windows are exposed to direct radi¬ation, Low-E glass blocks unwanted ultraviolet radia¬tion and reflects away the long-wave infrared radiation that can add heat to the inside of your home.



Low-E glass takes on a new responsibility in winter months. It lets warm solar rays into your home, while blocking the heat inside of your home from getting out. In cold wether, you spend your energy dollars generating long-wave radiation, as in heat from a fur-nance. That heat moves toward your cooler windows, but Low-E glass act like a mirror, reflecting it back inside to help save you money!


Float Glass


Is the most cost effective option because the features of this type of glass are rather basic. Float glass refers to a completely flat plane of clear glass. The term float is derived from the production method, and this type of glass is also often referred to as flat glass.   Get all the facts on double glazed float glass


Toughened Glass


Also known as tempered glass, it is a type of safety glass that has increased strength and will usually shatter in small, square pieces when broken. It is used when strength, thermal resistance and safety are important considerations. At home you are likely to find toughened glass in the shower and sliding glass patio doors. For commercial structures, it is used in unframed assemblies such as frameless doors, structurally loaded applications and where there is a danger of human impact. Toughened glass is typically four to six times the strength of annealed glass.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed toughened glass can be found here


Laminated Glass


Is a sandwich made of one thin layer of plastic Poly Vinyl Butyral between two or more sheets of glass. The PVB sticks with the glass, forms chemical as well as mechanical bonds. When laminated with annealed glass, the layer maintains the geometric integrity of the pane in case of breakage.
Also, it gives acoustic insulation as well as providing protection against damage caused due to UV radiation because it cuts almost 99% of UV radiation present in the sunlight.   Continued on the double glazed laminated glass page


Tinted Glass


Ordinary tinted glass is popular because it reduces heat gain and carbon emmissions, although it also marginally reduces visible light transmission. High Performance or Low-e tinted glass or spectrally selective tinted glass reduces solar heat gain to below that of ordinary bronze/ gray tint but has a visible transmittance closer to clear glass. The tint has little effect on the U-factor but reduces solar gain considerably, which can reduce the need for air conditioning in the summer. Tinted glass is useful in controlling glare - especially for those windows facing east or north east. Return the sunlight not glare into your home.   Read more on double glazed tinted glass


IGUnit Glass


or Double Glazing is described as two or more lites of glass spaced apart and hermetically sealed to form a single glazed unit with an air gap between each lite. As the name suggests, the most important function of and IGU is to improve the thermal performance of glass when used in architectural applications. It is common to find two panel of glass and they are therefore also referred to as double glazing units. Triple glazing units are rare but serve their owners well in very cold climates. Insulated glazing may be framed in a sash or frame. IGU made of glass is called insulated glass.   For supplementary material on double glazed igunit glass click here


Glass Warranty


Irrespective of the type of glass you choose for your windows and doors, you will be reassured of high quality through our warranty committment to you. All the glass we use in our windows and doors comply with Australian standards. We will repair or replace the insulated glass unit found to be defective within the applicable period and in accordance with the purchase contract.   Supplementary advice on double glazed glass warranty


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942  

Stacker Door


The Double Glazed Stacker Door has two or more (upto 6) panels, with one panel sliding past another, and all of the panels resting or being 'stacked' on one or two sides. They are a great alternative to Bifold Double Glazed Doors, when the client prefers the sliding style over the Bifold, or when space is at a premium, since with Stacker or Sliding Double Glazed Doors you need not worry about furniture placement or possible exterior obstacles. These doors feature ease of operation and maintenance, a universally appealing design that will complement any modern home.   Examine all the facts on double glazed stacker door page


Composite Door


The Composite Door is gaining in popularity with great speed for clients wanting noise insulation, strength, durability and security. All our Composite Doors contain a solid interior, which is made with reinforced materials, allowing our clients to gain increased security over even a solid wooden door, and will no doubt keep the insurance provider pleased. Composite doors are extremely strong, so they don't buckle, dent or warp, because they are designed to look better and provide more security for a longer period, than wooden or glass alternatives, yet they are very price competitive. The surface contains a glass reinforced polymer material and will not fade or lose colour. Additional feature includes advanced properties that shield from the weather, to ensure you have value for money in a door that lasts for decades, not just a few years.   Get all the facts on double glazed composite door


Side Hinged Window


A meticulously controlled work process allows increased speed and economies of scale advantage in production and assembly. The design elements in the classic Side Hinged Double Glazed windows are sometimes subdued, but fundamentally enriching - aesthetically and through improved comfort. The classic design allows to emerge important elements such as a strong sense of mass, structural legibility and strength with clear proportional relationships between solid and void. Side Hinged windows are similar to Casement windows, but open out and provide the highest possible acoustic and thermal insulation. Side Hinged windows are uncomplicated and cost-efficient, and when combined with our double glazed units, and offer exceptional improvements in performance when compared against ordinary aluminium or wooden windows. With architect's help, the Side Hinged Double Glazed windows will no doubt encourage inhabitants or users to gain architectural delight from their serendipitous journeys throughout the home.   Additional information on double glazed side hinged window can be found at this location


Casement Door


The Casement Double Glazed Door is essentially a single panel double glazed hinged door that has one panel swinging in or out. This style is our best performing Double Glazed Door against wind, rain, fire, and even snow, the casement style is energy efficient and practical, which will have an instant impact on your home. This product is suitable for both internal and external uses and is also available for specialised commercial and architectural applications.   Supplementary advice on double glazed casement door


Tilt & Turn Window


Every day we face tough new challenges and innovate according to our clients' needs and desires, leaving a lasting impression on everyone with our Double Glazed Windows. The most versatile and flexible window that retains its popularity through the changing trends in architecture and interior design is the Double Glazed Tilt & Turn window, which adapts to the users intention to ventilate, clean or insulate through unique hardware and security features. As well as the possibility of opening inwards or outwards, by turning the handle, clients will have the option to tilt the window inside slightly and ventilate or clean the window easily. And of course, for extraordinary performance in acoustic and thermal insulation for full control of the environment inside your home, you will be close it shut and lock it indefinitely for extra security.   Examine all the facts on double glazed tilt & turn window page


French Door


Make a grand entrance to your outdoor living area and impress your family and friends with our traditional and carefully crafted Double Glazed French Doors that add charm and elegance to any home! Double Glazed French Doors open and close like conventional doors, and with an outswing design can save interior space, where it is limited. Combine with a wheelchair accessible threshold, a sidelight/ fixed panel or colonial bars that add the classic look of divided light, and Double Glazed French Doors will become a stunning feature of your home!   Greater detail on double glazed french door can be found here


Sliding Door


for a natural and continuous entry into the outdoor entertaining area, which defines any modern home, choose Window Factory Double Glazed Sliding Doors. Functional, intelligent and convenient are the defining characteristics of our Double Glazed Sliding Doors. All our doors are quipped with high quality hardware for effortless opening and closing enhance all these aspects. We combine efficient technology for Double Glazed Sliding Doors with sophisticated design creating that indispensable convenience for your home. Popular with contemporary homes, our Sliding system offers additional benefit of saving space and when used with mirrored glass, can even serve as a room divider for guest privacy.   Supplementary advice on double glazed sliding door


Bay Window


Nothing can maximise cross ventilation without crating a draft like Bay Windows. They are more than just a period feature - when strategically placed they can replace air conditioning and provide a lovely feature for your home. They also make the room feel more spacious and appear larger, so they have been known to increase the value of a property. Typically, the bay windows are very large, even covering almost the entire distance from floor to ceiling. The effect of prolific natural light and stunning outdoor views from any angle in the room can be filtered or softened with window treatments.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed bay window can be found here


Awning Window


Double Glazed Awning Windows allow the window sash to swing outward rather than inward or up and down, so they can be located in may places around the home and easily arranged next to other window types. The awning window is the ideal window type for homes in the temperate climate zone, or homes that are positioned to take advantage of natural ventilation or breeze. Double Glazed Awning windows are made with compression and weather seal and provide higher air-tightness, energy-efficiency and acoustic insulation than other window types such as sliding and double-hung windows. Double Glazed Awning windows have a variety of applications due to their versatility and durability, and are particularly attractive option for contemporary homes because our Awning windows are manufactured locally to an indisputably imposing standard, impressing even the most discerning clientele.   More info on double glazed awning window


Stacker Window


Self sufficient and allowing for maximum natural ventilation, Double Glazed Stacker Windows slide and fold effortlessly demonstrating the refined taste of an intelligent consumer. Double Glazed Stacker Windows can create a vast amount of space along with an inviting contemporary character, and re-create a glass wall effect because they are not constrained to the same limitations of casement, awning and tilt & turn windows where the openings are restricted. The Double Glazed Stacker Window has two or more (upto six) panels, with one panel sliding past another, and all of the panels resting or being 'stacked' on one or two sides. They are a great alternative to Bifold Double Glazed Windows, when the client prefers the sliding style over the Bifold, or when space is at a premium, since with Stacker or Sliding Double Glazed Windows you need not worry about furniture placement or possible exterior obstacles. These windows feature ease of operation and maintenance, and a universally appealing design that will complement any modern home.   Greater detail on double glazed stacker window can be found here


PrestigeW Z58


Rehau quality stands for ambition and power, and these ideas are represented well in the Prestige casement upvc window and door system. The thickness of glazing ranges from 5mm to 33 mm. This double glazed window and door system comes with an overlap that measures 8 to 10 mm located between frame and sash, and this overlap not only helps to eliminate water infiltration and dust penetration, but also aids in saving energy consumption. Design optimisation of reinforcement chambers makes the double glazed window and door made of this profile highly resistant to high wind pressure.   Supplementary advice on double glazed prestigew z58




Rehau double glazed window and door systems are enhanced by a large range of ancillary profiles including sills, and angled head drips, square baypoles and couplers as well as frame extensions, ensuring a fully compatible and integrated solution and an easier fit for any double glazing applications. The features built into the double glazed window and door profiles will not only guarantee many years of high performance, but each system has been engineered to ensure maximum efficiency, thus providing you with considerable energy savings and a total peace of mind.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed supplementary can be found here




Awning windows have both federation and contemporary architecture applications. Our windows are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. With the right advice about placement and size, our windows can improve comfort, utilize daylight and natural ventilation for improvement in overall health and well being.   Read more on double glazed clading




We appreciate the need to live in harmony with one's surroundings, both architecturally and environmentally, that is why our extensive range of colour combinations attracts many professionals seeking the combination of an eclectic colour range with a cutting edge technology. Our double glazed window and door colour profiles can be manufactured so that the profile beneath the veneer is not white, but has been made to match the veneer colour. The advantage of this method is, that in the event of an accidental damage to the surface, white fragments will not be visible and the double glazed window or door retains its original aesthetic appearance. Read more on double glazed colours.   Greater detail on double glazed colours can be found here


Delivery Schedule


Double Glazed Windows and Doors strive to deliver your order of double glazed pvc products in the shortest possible time to maintain high standards of service and efficiency. Normally delivery occurs 2-6 weeks after order, at an agreed date, however delivery times are dependent on size & complexity of your order as well as your location. Customers are also welcome to make their own arrangements to pick up the double-glazed windows and doors from our pvc window and door manufacturing facility.   Get the answers on your questions on double glazed delivery schedule on this page


Double Brick


Awning windows have both federation and contemporary architecture applications. Our windows are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. With the right advice about placement and size, our windows can improve comfort, utilize daylight and natural ventilation for improvement in overall health and well being.   More info on double glazed double brick




Double Glazed Windows and Doors uses only quality hardware. Maco Secure guarantees the performance of their double glazed upvc window and door hardware against break-in through failure of their products. Should in the unlikely event of a break-in through the double glazed window hardware Maco Secure will re-imburse any insurance excesses up to a maximum. Get the answers on your questions on double glazed hardware on this page.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed hardware can be found here




Many people have the impression that all silicone gels on the market are the same, but we have found that their properties and, therefore, suitability varies dramatically. Generally, the descriptions of silicone offer little information as to the correct grade and type for a given application, and because of performance variability, there is no one type of silicone sealant that should be used for everything. Using the incorrect silicone or improper use may cause joint failure, contamination of surfaces because of poor application, excessive movement in the sealed joint.   Extra information about double glazed sealing can be found here


Environmentally Friendly


Our Upvc Windows and Doors are ecologically sustainable in many ways: they are 100% recyclable; the non-lead stabilizers make the profile safe for children upvc products even have medical applications in neonatal care, save energy and carbon emissions by being thermally efficient; do not contribute to deforestation or alumina smelter pollution. Research shows that the most promising potential for lowering environmental impacts of windows is expected to be through the optimisation of the design and specific construction processes, which means increasing the quality of the windows with respect to their main function of saving heating energy in the use phase e.g. lowering the specific heat loss. Raising the amount of secondary material used, or lowering the amount of material required for the same function, may be another ground for optimization of the constructions.   Greater detail on double glazed environmentally friendly can be found here


Change your Schedule


Please note that delays by you of delivery of any order of double glazed windows and doors by more than 2 months will not be processed online, and you must speak to your sales representative to make a new arrangement. Please note that you may be required to pay a storage fee for lengthy and/or repeated delays. Failure to advise us of the changes in your availability at least 2 days before the delivery date, may make it difficult for us to make a timely change and if you are a part of multi point delivery, inconvenience other customers.   Read more on double glazed change your schedule


Chemical Compatibility


Chemical stability is very common among substances containing halogens such as chlorine and fluorine. This applies to PVC resins, which also possess fire retarding properties, durability, and oil/chemical resistance. Plastic double glazed windows and doors have a versatility that helps people meet the various needs of modern architecture. In addition to new projects, vinyl double glazed windows and doors are also widely used in refurbishment where it often replaces traditional materials such as metals and wood. Examine all the facts on double glazed chemical compatibility page.   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed chemical compatibility click here


Energy Efficiency


Purchasing new windows and doors can be a big investment. The advantage of our Double Glazed UPVC Windows and Doors is that the purchase becomes an investment that is value added and can pay for itself in just a few years by acting as an insulator and reducing heating and cooling costs which save you money every month. Over the life of a poorly insulated window, the cost of the heat loss is much greater than the purchase cost, especially with the rising energy prices. In addition, improving the curb appeal of your home with designer high performance windows can increase the property resale value. How valuable are your family`s comfort and peace of mind? You can be confident that our Double Glazed Windows and Doors will help you meet and exceed the requirements of the BASIX legislation, add a little luxury without adversely affecting the environment! Don`t throw money away on cheap imitations - our windows boast u-values of 1.8 that is three times better than a typical aluminium sliding window with a u-value of 5.8.   More info on double glazed energy efficiency


Delivery Areas


Delivery of double glazed windows, doors and products within 100km of the Sydney Metropolitan Region does not attract a fuel surcharge. If your order is comprised of only a few double glazing items, we can operate a multi drop delivery system to save you money. This method allows us to service multiple customers in the same area who share the truck and the delivery cost. This is optional and customers who have urgent needs for delivery of their double glazed upvc windows and doors can always opt for a direct delivery. Check the Delivery Schedule page for more information.   To obtain additional information on double glazed delivery areas


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942