Acoustic Windows and Doors Single Brick

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Single Brick  

The most important part of the installation procedure comes before you even have your windows.


It is critical that you measure your old window opening properly and accurately. Pvc windows are custom-built and can't be returned if the size ordered was inaccurate. This is why for all replacement windows and doors and some new constructions, our trained technicians will take their own measurements before manufacture. Most windows and doors are manufactured to +/-2 mm accuracy so ideally you should get the closest fit possible.

We recommend the installation and glazing of Window Factory Double Glazed Windows and Doors be carried out by qualified technicians (such as window installer and glazier) or builders. However, we have had many enquiries from DIY enthusiasts for supply only. We are happy to provide Double Glazed Windows and Doors on a supply only basis, but feel that for some of our clients, the installation work performed by themselves or independent trades people has compromised the quality of our windows and doors somewhat. For instance, in the event of a large gap between the wall and window, which is not covered or filled, there will be a decrease to the noise insulation and energy efficiency of the window or door.

Please note that we will not be responsible for incorrect installation if we did not install your windows and doors, and we suggest that you contact the responsible party who performed the installation work. We have been very successful at fixing poor installation of Double Glazed Windows and Doors - even those supplied by our competitors, but a fee is payable for this service, which depends on the complexity of the job and the quantity of items involved. We also offer a consultation service for builders if they are unfamiliar with Pvc windows.

The errors of judgement of some clients have led us to the creation of avoid-a-DIY-disaster installation tips. Please note that this information intended to be used as suggestions on what to look out for, based on our experience in correcting many problem installations, rather than a step-by-step guide to installing the Double Glazed Windows or Doors. Every installation may have unforeseen difficulties ranging from the weather to architectural challenges which may require an experts knowledge and experience to resolve, and although we took care in providing accurate information, please don't take complete reliance on it.

Tools on hand:

  • Gloves with good grip (heavy duty) and Goggles
  • Tape Measure
  • Plastic Packers - various sizes
  • Pencil
  • Light Hammer
  • Masonry Chisel
  • Screwdriver
  • Spirit Level
  • Hand Drill (electric or cordless)
  • Hammer Drill
  • Drill bits
    • 3mm Pilot drill
    • 8mm HSS drill
    • 8mm Masonry Drill
    • 5mm Clearance
  • Fixing bolts
  • Screws
  • Skeleton gun (mastic application)
  • Spatula
  • Tyre Lever - nail bar
  • Expanding foam
  • Bin
  • Silicon

Before starting it may be prudent to first check the size, style and position against order. The Double Glazed Window may be perfectly installed, but if it is upside-down or meant for another room - the plan is compromised!

As uPVC Windows are not designed to be loadbearing, a lintel may be required above the window. If you are unsure, please consult a qualified fitter/surveyor. The new window should be approximately 10 mm smaller in height and width than the brick opening. Clear around the site of window, removing curtains/blinds/ornaments etc

To remove existing window:

Prepare the immediate site by covering with durable dustsheets inside and out.

  Pic 1.

Using screwdriver/nail bar remove all opening sashes.

To remove glass in remaining window fixed lights, carefully crack glass with the aid of a screwdriver/punch and light hammer. Always start at the top corner from inside the window, remove cracked shards and deposit into plastic bin.

  Pic 1.

With the aid of a Stanley knife on inside of window, break plaster seal around periphery of window frame.

Using crosscut saw, cut through the remaining vertical (mullion) and horizontal (transom) frame members and remove.


Paying attention to minimise damage to plaster, brickwork and damp proof membrane cut through the outer frame jambs head and cill of the window frame.

With careful application of the nail bar, it should now be possible to lever the framework away from the plaster line with minimum disturbance.

Remove any projecting cement accumulations with your masonry chisel and clean away any debris around the opening.

Fitting the New Window:

Cill (where required): Position the cill profile onto the brickwork, such that the up stand is snug against the plaster line of the jambs (it may be necessary to trim the 'horns' to fit around the brickwork.

Using the plastic packers, level the cill with approximately 5mm clearance between it and the brickwork.

Secure the cill to the brickwork using the 8 x 100 mm fixing bolts positioned approximately 150 mm from each end and at 600 mm centres thereafter. Check for level and do not over tighten the fixing bolts.

Run a bead of silicone along the back edge of the cill up stand.

Using silicone or superglue, secure the end caps into position. They may need trimming to size if the cill horns have been cut around the brickwork.

Remove all glazing beads from the window frame, marking them accordingly to ensure they can be replaced into the original position.

Offer the new window into position, with the base snug against the cill up stand, ensuring a tight seal into the bead of silicone. Clean off any excess silicone, which might occur. With spirit level, ensure the new window is positioned vertically and where appropriate hard up against the plaster line.

Wedge the window into position using the plastic packers provided.

Do not bend the framework by over packing.

Open the vents of the window to enable access to the outer frame jambs. Using #8 x 40 posidrive screws, secure the bottom of the window to the cill, 150 mm from each internal corner and 600 mm centres thereafter.

Secure the window jambs into the brickwork surround using 8 x 100 mm fixing bolts, again 150 mm from each corner and at +/- 600 mm centres thereafter.

In all cases ensure that the screw heads are not standing proud as this may interfere with the glass positioning.

Note: it is not advisable to attempt bolt fixing in the head of the window, as this may permanently damage the structural lintel of your window, the best solution for fixing the head is to use expanding foam.

Close and lock all opening sashes, check for square ness within the outer frame.

Glazing notes:

Prior to moving the glass sealed units into the approximate aperture, it is necessary to position 25 x 100 x 15 glazing bridges into the frame recess. A dab of silicone will secure the packer in place in preparation for the next step.

Position a 28 x 100 x 5 glazing packer onto the bottom glazing bridges. In the case of side hung sashes also glue or silicone secure an additional 28 x 100 x 5 glazing packer onto the glazing bridge opposite the hinge side.

Locate the appropriate glass sealed unit into the aperture, resting squarely on the glazing packers, ensuring the glass is central within the opening. Push the glass back into the rebate as far as it will go without using undue pressure.

Using hand pressure only, position additional 2 mm glass packers to square up where necessary.

Gently unlock and open the sashes to check that no binding occurs within the locking system and no movement occurs between the glass and frame, minor glass packer adjustments may be necessary to achieve perfect squareness.

Clip back the pre marked glazing beads into the original position in the following order first - top, second - bottom, then sides.

Carefully gun a bead of silicone between the outside masonry and window frame periphery, wiping off any excess.

Similarly, gun a thin bead of acrylic between the inside plaster and window from the periphery.

Remove all protective tape from the faces of the window frame, clean where necessary with warm soapy water.

When the window is installed, check its operation (unless fixed panel). You should not have to use force to open and close the window, and it should be airtight when closed. The sash should fit into the frame and there should be no gaps between frame and sash and frame and wall when closed. If the window or door looks crooked it has not been correctly installed. To check for operation, open the sash a few times and check if the operation is smooth and comfortable.

For expert advice and professional service call Double Glazed Windows and Doors on 0423 221 942!


New Construction


Installation of Double Glazed Windows in new homes or buildings is usually performed by the builder and his team, however, we are prepared to quote and provide an installation service if required. Installation fee is calculated on a per item basis and depends on the size and quantity of the items. The installation quote ordinarily includes glazing, but we can also provide a quote for installation excluding glazing, or a glazing only installation - we are flexible and understand that client circumstances vary.   A complete guide for double glazed new construction can be found here




Installation of replacement double glazed windows and doors or for new constructions includes removal but not disposal of existing windows, and includes glazing, which involves fitting glass into the frame.
If you hired a builder to manage the installation, but they are unfamiliar with upvc, we provide consulting services to ensure the windows installation is trouble free.   Examine all the facts on double glazed replacement page




Installation of Secondary Double Glazed Windows and Doors involves installing the new Double Glazed Window behind the original window frame, which is retained, so the secondary window becomes adjacent to the existing window.
Installations of Secondary Double Glazed Windows usually take less time than replacement double glazed windows (depending on window size, shape and glazing) and without the inconvenience that can occur during window replacement such as delays on site because of architrave removal/replacement, other site works such as painting etc.   A complete guide for double glazed secondary can be found here


Double Brick


Awning windows have both federation and contemporary architecture applications. Our windows are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. With the right advice about placement and size, our windows can improve comfort, utilize daylight and natural ventilation for improvement in overall health and well being.   Extra information about double glazed double brick can be found here




Awning windows have both federation and contemporary architecture applications. Our windows are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. With the right advice about placement and size, our windows can improve comfort, utilize daylight and natural ventilation for improvement in overall health and well being.   More info on double glazed clading




Many people have the impression that all silicone gels on the market are the same, but we have found that their properties and, therefore, suitability varies dramatically. Generally, the descriptions of silicone offer little information as to the correct grade and type for a given application, and because of performance variability, there is no one type of silicone sealant that should be used for everything. Using the incorrect silicone or improper use may cause joint failure, contamination of surfaces because of poor application, excessive movement in the sealed joint.   Get the answers on your questions on double glazed sealing on this page


Measuring Your Window


The most important part of the installation procedure for double glazed windows and doors, comes before you even order your windows. It is critical that you measure your old window opening properly and accurately. Pvc double glazed windows and doors are custom-built and can't be returned if the size ordered was inaccurate. This is why for all replacement windows and doors and some new constructions, our trained technicians will take their own measurements before manufacture. All of our double glazed windows and doors are manufactured to a high accuracy, so ideally you should get the closest fit possible.   For more information double glazed measuring your window


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942  

Casement Door


The Casement Double Glazed Door is essentially a single panel double glazed hinged door that has one panel swinging in or out. This style is our best performing Double Glazed Door against wind, rain, fire, and even snow, the casement style is energy efficient and practical, which will have an instant impact on your home. This product is suitable for both internal and external uses and is also available for specialised commercial and architectural applications.   For supplementary material on double glazed casement door click here


Stacker Door


The Double Glazed Stacker Door has two or more (upto 6) panels, with one panel sliding past another, and all of the panels resting or being 'stacked' on one or two sides. They are a great alternative to Bifold Double Glazed Doors, when the client prefers the sliding style over the Bifold, or when space is at a premium, since with Stacker or Sliding Double Glazed Doors you need not worry about furniture placement or possible exterior obstacles. These doors feature ease of operation and maintenance, a universally appealing design that will complement any modern home.   For more information double glazed stacker door


Sliding Window


Our Double Glazed Windows are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. Functional, intelligent and convenient are the defining characteristics of our Double Glazed Sliding Windows. All our windows are quipped with high quality hardware for effortless opening and closing enhance all these aspects. We combine efficient technology for Double Glazed Sliding Windows with sophisticated design creating that indispensable convenience for your home. Popular with contemporary homes, our Sliding system offers additional benefit of saving space and when used with mirrored glass, can even serve as a room divider for guest privacy.   Continued on the double glazed sliding window page


Bay Window


Nothing can maximise cross ventilation without crating a draft like Bay Windows. They are more than just a period feature - when strategically placed they can replace air conditioning and provide a lovely feature for your home. They also make the room feel more spacious and appear larger, so they have been known to increase the value of a property. Typically, the bay windows are very large, even covering almost the entire distance from floor to ceiling. The effect of prolific natural light and stunning outdoor views from any angle in the room can be filtered or softened with window treatments.   Supplementary advice on double glazed bay window


Stacker Window


Self sufficient and allowing for maximum natural ventilation, Double Glazed Stacker Windows slide and fold effortlessly demonstrating the refined taste of an intelligent consumer. Double Glazed Stacker Windows can create a vast amount of space along with an inviting contemporary character, and re-create a glass wall effect because they are not constrained to the same limitations of casement, awning and tilt & turn windows where the openings are restricted. The Double Glazed Stacker Window has two or more (upto six) panels, with one panel sliding past another, and all of the panels resting or being 'stacked' on one or two sides. They are a great alternative to Bifold Double Glazed Windows, when the client prefers the sliding style over the Bifold, or when space is at a premium, since with Stacker or Sliding Double Glazed Windows you need not worry about furniture placement or possible exterior obstacles. These windows feature ease of operation and maintenance, and a universally appealing design that will complement any modern home.   Extra information about double glazed stacker window can be found here


Tilt & Turn Window


Every day we face tough new challenges and innovate according to our clients' needs and desires, leaving a lasting impression on everyone with our Double Glazed Windows. The most versatile and flexible window that retains its popularity through the changing trends in architecture and interior design is the Double Glazed Tilt & Turn window, which adapts to the users intention to ventilate, clean or insulate through unique hardware and security features. As well as the possibility of opening inwards or outwards, by turning the handle, clients will have the option to tilt the window inside slightly and ventilate or clean the window easily. And of course, for extraordinary performance in acoustic and thermal insulation for full control of the environment inside your home, you will be close it shut and lock it indefinitely for extra security.   Read more on double glazed tilt & turn window


Sliding Door


for a natural and continuous entry into the outdoor entertaining area, which defines any modern home, choose Window Factory Double Glazed Sliding Doors. Functional, intelligent and convenient are the defining characteristics of our Double Glazed Sliding Doors. All our doors are quipped with high quality hardware for effortless opening and closing enhance all these aspects. We combine efficient technology for Double Glazed Sliding Doors with sophisticated design creating that indispensable convenience for your home. Popular with contemporary homes, our Sliding system offers additional benefit of saving space and when used with mirrored glass, can even serve as a room divider for guest privacy.   To obtain additional information on double glazed sliding door


Bifold Door


Embrace the beauty and sophistication of our Bifold Double Glazed Door carefully crafted with uncompromising expertise and unsurpassed quality The Double Glazed Doors are the ideal choice for the aspiring or an expert entertainer, offering an awe inspiring effect of an unobstructed opening onto a pool deck, garden, private beach, bushland or conservatory. The superior performance features are maintained in this style, offering acoustic insulation of upto 40 dB, with excellent energy efficiency rating measured by a u-value of 1.8, all while being corrosion resistant and environmentally friendly.   A complete guide for double glazed bifold door can be found here


Composite Door


The Composite Door is gaining in popularity with great speed for clients wanting noise insulation, strength, durability and security. All our Composite Doors contain a solid interior, which is made with reinforced materials, allowing our clients to gain increased security over even a solid wooden door, and will no doubt keep the insurance provider pleased. Composite doors are extremely strong, so they don't buckle, dent or warp, because they are designed to look better and provide more security for a longer period, than wooden or glass alternatives, yet they are very price competitive. The surface contains a glass reinforced polymer material and will not fade or lose colour. Additional feature includes advanced properties that shield from the weather, to ensure you have value for money in a door that lasts for decades, not just a few years.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed composite door can be found here


Side Hinged Window


A meticulously controlled work process allows increased speed and economies of scale advantage in production and assembly. The design elements in the classic Side Hinged Double Glazed windows are sometimes subdued, but fundamentally enriching - aesthetically and through improved comfort. The classic design allows to emerge important elements such as a strong sense of mass, structural legibility and strength with clear proportional relationships between solid and void. Side Hinged windows are similar to Casement windows, but open out and provide the highest possible acoustic and thermal insulation. Side Hinged windows are uncomplicated and cost-efficient, and when combined with our double glazed units, and offer exceptional improvements in performance when compared against ordinary aluminium or wooden windows. With architect's help, the Side Hinged Double Glazed windows will no doubt encourage inhabitants or users to gain architectural delight from their serendipitous journeys throughout the home.   Additional information on double glazed side hinged window can be found at this location


Test Reports


Purchasing upvc double glazing is not simply a cosmetic improvement, it is about technical advancement, high performance, safety and security, so by having various of our vinyl double glazed products tested in a laboratory to Australian Standards and the building regulations, ensures your double glazed windows comply with the minimum expected from any manufacturer in Australia. In fact, the double glazed window products that were tested have been found to outperform the minimum levels, and sometimes even exceed these levels several times over. Supplementary advice on double glazed test reports.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed test reports can be found here


Delivery Schedule


Double Glazed Windows and Doors strive to deliver your order of double glazed pvc products in the shortest possible time to maintain high standards of service and efficiency. Normally delivery occurs 2-6 weeks after order, at an agreed date, however delivery times are dependent on size & complexity of your order as well as your location. Customers are also welcome to make their own arrangements to pick up the double-glazed windows and doors from our pvc window and door manufacturing facility.   For more information double glazed delivery schedule


Glass Warranty


Irrespective of the type of glass you choose for your windows and doors, you will be reassured of high quality through our warranty committment to you. All the glass we use in our windows and doors comply with Australian standards. We will repair or replace the insulated glass unit found to be defective within the applicable period and in accordance with the purchase contract.   For more information double glazed glass warranty


Stress Free Installation


Your satisfaction is of paramount importance to us and we do all we can to ensure a trouble free installation and operation for many years to come. It is easy for us because we are supremely confident that our windows and doors will withstand the test of time even in a harsh environment because we use materials of unsurpassed quality. Knowledge, experience and ingenuity identify our technicians who are experts in their field. We constantly serve customers whose problems were rejected by our competitors due to being 'too hard' or 'impossible'! Whether it is a new construction or a renovation, you can expect the windows and doors to be designed, manufactured and installed in a timely, efficient and clean manner.   Extra information about double glazed stress free installation can be found here


High Quality Hardware


Hardware is an integral part of the window without which the window would not function, and would not open. Quality hardware is essential for smooth operation, especially if double glazing in involved, which can significantly add to the weight of the window or door and fracture any inferior hardware, rendering the window unsafe. After performing many repairs on windows supplied by our competitors, we decided to make our window hardware a point of difference. We sourced hardware among the worlds leading suppliers, for very specialized, high performance applications to ensure that our clients are not disappointed with any aspect of the window or door. Our accomplishment as leaders of innovative solutions for complicated or difficult projects, and our creative cooperation with window hardware suppliers, has created a upvc hardware combination of unsurpassed quality, tested to withstand min of 20,000 cycles and guarantees flawless operation for the users for many years.   For supplementary material on double glazed high quality hardware click here




Double Glazed Windows and Doors are committed to protecting our staff, customers, associates and public from risk and injury associated with working with windows and glass products. Most accidents are preventable, and we provide extensive training for our staff to deal with various situations and armed with knowledge and experience, we are confident they are well prepared for uncertainty. Double Glazed Windows and Doors maintain an effective OH&S plan that not only complies with the law, but also is continuously improved as we try to uphold the highest level of safety that reaches beyond minimum legal requirements.   Extra information about double glazed safety can be found here


Handling and Storage


After the double glazed windows are delivered to your home or the construction site, ideally they should be installed as soon as possible, to minimise the risk of accidental damage. However, we understand that this may not be practical if there are other renovation or construction work being completed - in this case, it is best to store the double glazed window/ door frames and glass separately and in an area with limited access, so that the upvc window frames and insulated glass units experience the least movement possible.   Extra information about double glazed handling and storage can be found here


Added Security


Our Double Glazed Windows and Doors are difficult to break and when they break, they create a lot of noise. Our window units also come equipped with security systems such as multi-point locks, double-locking handles and hinge-side security devices. Windows made out of upvc, can only be forced open from outside with a great deal of ingenuity, time and physical strength. This is because plastic provides a tighter seal around the glass and it does not shrink like wooden frames sometimes do.   Supplementary advice on double glazed added security


Euroslide Door


The all-round customer-friendly double glazed products offer an enhanced appearance as well as superior fabrication ease and performance. Together, the advanced form and function of sliding window system ensure lasting high quality, simple installation and satisfied customers. The Rehau Euroslide Design can be used to make a wide variety of upvc sliding double glazed windows and doors. Three main categories of pvcu window and door design can be fabricated.   Read more on double glazed euroslide door


Toughened Glass


Also known as tempered glass, it is a type of safety glass that has increased strength and will usually shatter in small, square pieces when broken. It is used when strength, thermal resistance and safety are important considerations. At home you are likely to find toughened glass in the shower and sliding glass patio doors. For commercial structures, it is used in unframed assemblies such as frameless doors, structurally loaded applications and where there is a danger of human impact. Toughened glass is typically four to six times the strength of annealed glass.   Supplementary advice on double glazed toughened glass


Chemical Compatibility


Chemical stability is very common among substances containing halogens such as chlorine and fluorine. This applies to PVC resins, which also possess fire retarding properties, durability, and oil/chemical resistance. Plastic double glazed windows and doors have a versatility that helps people meet the various needs of modern architecture. In addition to new projects, vinyl double glazed windows and doors are also widely used in refurbishment where it often replaces traditional materials such as metals and wood. Examine all the facts on double glazed chemical compatibility page.   More info on double glazed chemical compatibility


Euroslide Staker


The all-round customer-friendly double glazed products offer an enhanced appearance as well as superior fabrication ease and performance. Together, the advanced form and function of sliding window system ensure lasting high quality, simple installation and satisfied customers. The Rehau Euroslide Design can be used to make a wide variety of upvc sliding double glazed windows and doors. Three main categories of pvcu window and door design can be fabricated.   Additional information on double glazed euroslide staker can be found at this location




Double Glazed Windows and Doors uses only quality hardware. Maco Secure guarantees the performance of their double glazed upvc window and door hardware against break-in through failure of their products. Should in the unlikely event of a break-in through the double glazed window hardware Maco Secure will re-imburse any insurance excesses up to a maximum. Get the answers on your questions on double glazed hardware on this page.   Read more on double glazed hardware


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942