Secondary Double Glazing Safety

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One is not exposed to danger who, even when in safety, is always on their guard.
-- Publilius Syrus


Double Glazed Windows and Doors are committed to protecting our staff, customers, associates and public from risk and injury associated with work. Most accidents are preventable, and we provide extensive training for our staff to deal with various situations and armed with knowledge and experience, we are confident they are well prepared for uncertainty. Double Glazed Windows and Doors maintain an effective OH&S plan that not only complies with the law, but also is continuously improved as we try to uphold the highest level of safety that reaches beyond minimum legal requirements. All our new employees are given a course in Safety: At the Factory, on the Road and on Site as part of our comprehensive Induction Program, so you can be assured that our staff pay extra attention to safety and don't cut corners with OH&S procedures.

Double Glazed Windows and Doors Occupational Health & Safety Policy covers:

  • Induction
  • Risk management
  • Accident prevention
  • Equipment maintenance
  • First aid
  • Investigation of accidents
  • Return to work rehabilitation
  • Fire protection & training


Delivery Areas


Delivery of double glazed windows, doors and products within 100km of the Sydney Metropolitan Region does not attract a fuel surcharge. If your order is comprised of only a few double glazing items, we can operate a multi drop delivery system to save you money. This method allows us to service multiple customers in the same area who share the truck and the delivery cost. This is optional and customers who have urgent needs for delivery of their double glazed upvc windows and doors can always opt for a direct delivery. Check the Delivery Schedule page for more information.   For supplementary material on double glazed delivery areas click here


Delivery Schedule


Double Glazed Windows and Doors strive to deliver your order of double glazed pvc products in the shortest possible time to maintain high standards of service and efficiency. Normally delivery occurs 2-6 weeks after order, at an agreed date, however delivery times are dependent on size & complexity of your order as well as your location. Customers are also welcome to make their own arrangements to pick up the double-glazed windows and doors from our pvc window and door manufacturing facility.   Read more on double glazed delivery schedule


Change your Schedule


Please note that delays by you of delivery of any order of double glazed windows and doors by more than 2 months will not be processed online, and you must speak to your sales representative to make a new arrangement. Please note that you may be required to pay a storage fee for lengthy and/or repeated delays. Failure to advise us of the changes in your availability at least 2 days before the delivery date, may make it difficult for us to make a timely change and if you are a part of multi point delivery, inconvenience other customers.   Continued on the double glazed change your schedule page


Sizes and Dimentions


The total cost of delivery is directly related to the sizes and number of double glazing items in your order. If any of your double glazed windows or doors exceed a certain level in either height or width, we must use a bigger truck, which will raise the cost of delivery, even if you have only a single double glzing item. The first delivery level is 4m wide; the second delivery level is 6m wide. Of course, we always stack the items in a most efficient way to save space.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed sizes and dimentions can be found here


Handling and Storage


After the double glazed windows are delivered to your home or the construction site, ideally they should be installed as soon as possible, to minimise the risk of accidental damage. However, we understand that this may not be practical if there are other renovation or construction work being completed - in this case, it is best to store the double glazed window/ door frames and glass separately and in an area with limited access, so that the upvc window frames and insulated glass units experience the least movement possible.   Extra information about double glazed handling and storage can be found here


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942  

Tilt & Slide Door


Our Double Glazed Doors are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. With the right advice about placement and size, our Double Glazed Tilt and Slide Doors can improve comfort, utilize daylight and natural ventilation for improvement in overall health and well being. Window Factory Tilt and Slide Doors are the most innovative and attractive deck/ garden or balcony doors available. Not only do they boast the tilt option of other popular styles, but the Tilt and Slide Doors were also designed to maintain our reputation for high performance.   A complete guide for double glazed tilt & slide door can be found here


Composite Door


The Composite Door is gaining in popularity with great speed for clients wanting noise insulation, strength, durability and security. All our Composite Doors contain a solid interior, which is made with reinforced materials, allowing our clients to gain increased security over even a solid wooden door, and will no doubt keep the insurance provider pleased. Composite doors are extremely strong, so they don't buckle, dent or warp, because they are designed to look better and provide more security for a longer period, than wooden or glass alternatives, yet they are very price competitive. The surface contains a glass reinforced polymer material and will not fade or lose colour. Additional feature includes advanced properties that shield from the weather, to ensure you have value for money in a door that lasts for decades, not just a few years.   Greater detail on double glazed composite door can be found here


Bifold Window


Combining the mastery of old world craftsmanship and progressive German engineering technologies, we create the most sophisticated upvc windows for the intelligent consumer who has the capacity to discern between a cheap imitation which creates disappointment, and our exceptional double glazed windows which will please and delight for years to come. Specified by architects as attributes of buildings, bifold windows bring out qualities of creativity, intelligence and magnificence that are easy to recognize but difficult to quantify or replicate by an inferior product. By making choices one transfers to the material assemblage of a building those attributes which really belong to one's personality. It is inevitable that qualities that feature in the buildings' owners' characters are read into architecture. What do your windows say about you?   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed bifold window click here


Fixed Window


Continuity, refinement and reflection of light will bring out the many benefits by the use of our Double Glazed Fixed Panels. They are cost efficient and offer the ultimum level of high performance in acoustic and noise insulation, since they are non-openable. Our approach deals with important aspects of architecture - the cultural and the natural environment. Combine together with other window and door types to allow the play of light and shadow in your home, or for breathtaking surrounding view, and improve the energy efficiency, sound insulation and comfort qualities in your home. Fixed panels have universal appeal and can be used in any style of home! They are environmentally friendly since they are recyclable and contribute to reduction in carbon emissions.   For supplementary material on double glazed fixed window click here


Bifold Door


Embrace the beauty and sophistication of our Bifold Double Glazed Door carefully crafted with uncompromising expertise and unsurpassed quality The Double Glazed Doors are the ideal choice for the aspiring or an expert entertainer, offering an awe inspiring effect of an unobstructed opening onto a pool deck, garden, private beach, bushland or conservatory. The superior performance features are maintained in this style, offering acoustic insulation of upto 40 dB, with excellent energy efficiency rating measured by a u-value of 1.8, all while being corrosion resistant and environmentally friendly.   Extra information about double glazed bifold door can be found here


Sliding Door


for a natural and continuous entry into the outdoor entertaining area, which defines any modern home, choose Window Factory Double Glazed Sliding Doors. Functional, intelligent and convenient are the defining characteristics of our Double Glazed Sliding Doors. All our doors are quipped with high quality hardware for effortless opening and closing enhance all these aspects. We combine efficient technology for Double Glazed Sliding Doors with sophisticated design creating that indispensable convenience for your home. Popular with contemporary homes, our Sliding system offers additional benefit of saving space and when used with mirrored glass, can even serve as a room divider for guest privacy.   Greater detail on double glazed sliding door can be found here


Side Hinged Window


A meticulously controlled work process allows increased speed and economies of scale advantage in production and assembly. The design elements in the classic Side Hinged Double Glazed windows are sometimes subdued, but fundamentally enriching - aesthetically and through improved comfort. The classic design allows to emerge important elements such as a strong sense of mass, structural legibility and strength with clear proportional relationships between solid and void. Side Hinged windows are similar to Casement windows, but open out and provide the highest possible acoustic and thermal insulation. Side Hinged windows are uncomplicated and cost-efficient, and when combined with our double glazed units, and offer exceptional improvements in performance when compared against ordinary aluminium or wooden windows. With architect's help, the Side Hinged Double Glazed windows will no doubt encourage inhabitants or users to gain architectural delight from their serendipitous journeys throughout the home.   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed side hinged window click here


Casement Door


The Casement Double Glazed Door is essentially a single panel double glazed hinged door that has one panel swinging in or out. This style is our best performing Double Glazed Door against wind, rain, fire, and even snow, the casement style is energy efficient and practical, which will have an instant impact on your home. This product is suitable for both internal and external uses and is also available for specialised commercial and architectural applications.   Read more on double glazed casement door


Sliding Window


Our Double Glazed Windows are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. Functional, intelligent and convenient are the defining characteristics of our Double Glazed Sliding Windows. All our windows are quipped with high quality hardware for effortless opening and closing enhance all these aspects. We combine efficient technology for Double Glazed Sliding Windows with sophisticated design creating that indispensable convenience for your home. Popular with contemporary homes, our Sliding system offers additional benefit of saving space and when used with mirrored glass, can even serve as a room divider for guest privacy.   Greater detail on double glazed sliding window can be found here


Casement Window


Casement windows are an excellent choice for consumers concerned with acoustic, thermal and safety performance. The difference is obvious at a glance - the frame and sash look sturdy and substantial when compared to ordinary aluminium and wooden windows. You can have a beautifull home, but if you install inexpensive windows, the strucure of the home can feel cheaply built.   For supplementary material on double glazed casement window click here




We appreciate the need to live in harmony with one's surroundings, both architecturally and environmentally, that is why our extensive range of colour combinations attracts many professionals seeking the combination of an eclectic colour range with a cutting edge technology. Our double glazed window and door colour profiles can be manufactured so that the profile beneath the veneer is not white, but has been made to match the veneer colour. The advantage of this method is, that in the event of an accidental damage to the surface, white fragments will not be visible and the double glazed window or door retains its original aesthetic appearance. Read more on double glazed colours.   A complete guide for double glazed colours can be found here


Float Glass


Is the most cost effective option because the features of this type of glass are rather basic. Float glass refers to a completely flat plane of clear glass. The term float is derived from the production method, and this type of glass is also often referred to as flat glass.   Extra information about double glazed float glass can be found here




uPVC Double Glazed Windows and Doors are constructed with the highest precision to keep out water during the rain, storms and even cyclones and have been used many times in marine applications, where their quality is heavily tested. They are far more waterproof than other types of windows as they don't absorb moisture. They will not leak a common complaint of many owners of aluminium sliding windows nor will they be damaged by water and rot a potential problem with wooden windows.   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed waterproof click here


Single Brick


Awning windows have both federation and contemporary architecture applications. Our windows are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. With the right advice about placement and size, our windows can improve comfort, utilize daylight and natural ventilation for improvement in overall health and well being.   Extra information about double glazed single brick can be found here


Tinted Glass


Ordinary tinted glass is popular because it reduces heat gain and carbon emmissions, although it also marginally reduces visible light transmission. High Performance or Low-e tinted glass or spectrally selective tinted glass reduces solar heat gain to below that of ordinary bronze/ gray tint but has a visible transmittance closer to clear glass. The tint has little effect on the U-factor but reduces solar gain considerably, which can reduce the need for air conditioning in the summer. Tinted glass is useful in controlling glare - especially for those windows facing east or north east. Return the sunlight not glare into your home.   Continued on the double glazed tinted glass page


Value for Money


Double Glazed Windows and Doors are a lasting source of value for your home through sustainable energy savings and ease of use, as well as adding a timeless elegance that will improve appearance and resale value of your home. Thin or slender window and door frames can make even a well built home seem cheaply built, whereas sturdy and substantial window and door frames will highlight the quality finishes and reinforce the unassailability of your home. Our Double Glazed Windows and Doors are very price competitive, and although they are more expensive than standard aluminium sliding windows they will work for you and pay for themselves over the years in energy savings, cheaper maintenance, improved comfort and higher resale value of your home. With the savings in energy costs, we estimate that the Double Glazed Windows and Doors can pay for themselves in 7 years.   For more information double glazed value for money


Chemical Compatibility


Chemical stability is very common among substances containing halogens such as chlorine and fluorine. This applies to PVC resins, which also possess fire retarding properties, durability, and oil/chemical resistance. Plastic double glazed windows and doors have a versatility that helps people meet the various needs of modern architecture. In addition to new projects, vinyl double glazed windows and doors are also widely used in refurbishment where it often replaces traditional materials such as metals and wood. Examine all the facts on double glazed chemical compatibility page.   Supplementary advice on double glazed chemical compatibility


UV Resistance


We only use quality extrusion that has been rigorously tested for UV radiation in harsh environments in desert or mountain conditions. The profile has been specifically formulated for Australian conditions to thwart potential damage from the sun. Un-reinforced uPVC window profiles have a lack of rigidity and a high coefficient of expansion. To avoid preventable damage, we always reinforce all our windows and door frames with aluminium or steel, according to customer requirements.   Examine all the facts on double glazed uv resistance page




Double Glazed Windows and Doors recognizes every purchase is a significant investment in your home, and we do everything to ensure the double glazed windows and doors you purchase pay for themselves long after you are so comfortable you forget they are there. Double glazed windows and doors will not require replacement for many years and to guarantee superior performance we use only high quality profile, double glazed units and hardware. Our relationship with clients doesn't end when the job is complete, Double Glazed Windows and Doors are available to you for any help. Additional information on double glazed warranty can be found at this location.   Supplementary advice on double glazed warranty


New Construction


Installation of Double Glazed Windows in new homes or buildings is usually performed by the builder and his team, however, we are prepared to quote and provide an installation service if required. Installation fee is calculated on a per item basis and depends on the size and quantity of the items. The installation quote ordinarily includes glazing, but we can also provide a quote for installation excluding glazing, or a glazing only installation - we are flexible and understand that client circumstances vary.   More info on double glazed new construction


PrestigeD Z84


Rehau quality stands for ambition and power, and these ideas are represented well in the Prestige casement upvc window and door system. The thickness of glazing ranges from 5mm to 33 mm. This double glazed window and door system comes with an overlap that measures 8 to 10 mm located between frame and sash, and this overlap not only helps to eliminate water infiltration and dust penetration, but also aids in saving energy consumption. Design optimisation of reinforcement chambers makes the double glazed window and door made of this profile highly resistant to high wind pressure.   Continued on the double glazed prestiged z84 page


Glass Warranty


Irrespective of the type of glass you choose for your windows and doors, you will be reassured of high quality through our warranty committment to you. All the glass we use in our windows and doors comply with Australian standards. We will repair or replace the insulated glass unit found to be defective within the applicable period and in accordance with the purchase contract.   For more information double glazed glass warranty


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942