Soundblock Double Glazed Windows Benefits

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Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment.
-- Ralph Marston


It is increasingly recognized that our enjoyment of the home we live in is dependant upon not only aesthetics but on the material its made of, the efficiency of its functions and the impact on the environment. We challenge you to find a better window or door that will perform to the same extent as Double Glazed Windows and Doors upvc products: contributing positively to your comfort, well being, to the value of your home and the environment. Browse through the Benefits of our double glazed windows and doors and take into consideration the many factors that could make a difference in your home.

Vinyl or upvc double glazed windows are becoming popular as increasingly environment conscious consumers appreciate the green manufacturing methods, clean lines of pvc windows and doors, their no maintenance characteristics, and energy efficiency all of which make upvc double glazed windows and doors the natural choice for both new homes and renovations.

However, not all upvc windows are the same - consumers beware of cheap imports from China that will only disappoint and cost more money to fix than what they cost to purchase.


Stylish Modern Design


Our team has a diverse background in both commercial and residential design and we offer a unique combination of value, personal attention, and tailored services to all our clients. Our experience in successfully aligning clients requirements with their values to bring out a successful design solution for challenging work ranging from religious facilities, medical and dental offices, retail, sound studios and of course luxury homes. We foster a creative cooperation with your architect, builder and interior designer and work on joint solutions for a consistent approach that matches the clients requirements and considers specifiers recommendations. Thin and economical aluminium frames that are inevitably drafty and offer poor insulation can make even a good quality home seem cheaply built. We believe that our clients are intelligent people with discerning taste who can resist temptation of cheap imitations.   Read more on double glazed stylish modern design


Energy Efficiency


Purchasing new windows and doors can be a big investment. The advantage of our Double Glazed UPVC Windows and Doors is that the purchase becomes an investment that is value added and can pay for itself in just a few years by acting as an insulator and reducing heating and cooling costs which save you money every month. Over the life of a poorly insulated window, the cost of the heat loss is much greater than the purchase cost, especially with the rising energy prices. In addition, improving the curb appeal of your home with designer high performance windows can increase the property resale value. How valuable are your family`s comfort and peace of mind? You can be confident that our Double Glazed Windows and Doors will help you meet and exceed the requirements of the BASIX legislation, add a little luxury without adversely affecting the environment! Don`t throw money away on cheap imitations - our windows boast u-values of 1.8 that is three times better than a typical aluminium sliding window with a u-value of 5.8.   Supplementary advice on double glazed energy efficiency


Noise Insulation


Noise pollution is often overlooked as a hazard to health, yet numerous studies have linked prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can be detrimental to your hearing, but also can increase stress and blood pressure, cause gastric problems as well as headaches, migraines and anxiety or depression. Get rid of unwanted noise and enjoy many other benefits of Upvc Double Glazed Windows, boasting potential noise reduction of 45dB, they will prove more effective than sleeping pills for an undisrupted well deserved rest! Consult with us about your acoustic insulation needs, and our expert staff will recommend the most efficient glazing and window style to meet your requirements and maximize value for money. There are thousands of glazing combinations which can affect insulation performance significantly, here you can learn about noise, its effects, how to manage it and in order to make a more informed choice of windows and doors for your home.   Read more on double glazed noise insulation


Low Maintenace


Upvc is the ideal frame material due to its inherent qualities of resistance to corrosion, fire, water, and sunlight. Apart from the most obvious applications in coastal areas where salt destroys the appearance and function of aluminium windows, while wooden windows must be specially treated with chemicals or paint, upvc frames have also been used in commercial and industrial applications and in areas of high pollution or for high impact winds. In addition, the upvc composition includes ultra-violet components, which reflect the sunlight and resist damage. The profile will not warp because it contains aluminium or steel reinforcement and wont need to be repainted, chemically treated, polished or cleaned. However, cleaning may be required for glass, intermittently, as desired, which will be necessary regardless of the frame material used. Our upvc Double Glazed Windows and Doors are ideal for the get and forget consumer! The low maintenance factor of upvc windows and doors exceeds that of any other frame material, saves your time and energy for the important things in life!   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed low maintenace click here


Environmentally Friendly


Our Upvc Windows and Doors are ecologically sustainable in many ways: they are 100% recyclable; the non-lead stabilizers make the profile safe for children (upvc products even have medical applications in neonatal care), save energy and carbon emissions by being thermally efficient; do not contribute to deforestation or alumina smelter pollution. Research shows that the most promising potential for lowering environmental impacts of windows is expected to be through the optimisation of the design and specific construction processes, which means increasing the quality of the windows with respect to their main function of saving heating energy in the use phase (e.g. lowering the specific heat loss). Raising the amount of secondary material used, or lowering the amount of material required for the same function, may be another ground for optimization of the constructions.   Additional information on double glazed environmentally friendly can be found at this location


High Performance


For windows and doors that do more than just open and close, but actually work for you to reduce your household or office energy bill by utilizing an energy efficient profile system and double glazing. Convenient and comfortable in many ways, they are an essential part of insulating your home or office, for a more sustainable living experience. A standard aluminium sliding window can add 40% heating/ cooling loss in the home. Would you purchase an appliance that can only ever operate at a maximum 60% capacity? But this is essentially what you are doing when your home is poorly insulated! The same high performance extends to acoustic insulation, with a potential reduction of 45dB in our casement, awning, tilt&turn and bifold range. The high-tech weather seal in combination with fusion welding of frames and sashes make the windows completely air and water tight - they have been tested to withstand even cyclone strength winds!   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed high performance click here


Added Security


Our Double Glazed Windows and Doors are difficult to break and when they break, they create a lot of noise. Our window units also come equipped with security systems such as multi-point locks, double-locking handles and hinge-side security devices. Windows made out of upvc, can only be forced open from outside with a great deal of ingenuity, time and physical strength. This is because plastic provides a tighter seal around the glass and it does not shrink like wooden frames sometimes do.   To obtain additional information on double glazed added security


High Quality Hardware


Hardware is an integral part of the window without which the window would not function, and would not open. Quality hardware is essential for smooth operation, especially if double glazing in involved, which can significantly add to the weight of the window or door and fracture any inferior hardware, rendering the window unsafe. After performing many repairs on windows supplied by our competitors, we decided to make our window hardware a point of difference. We sourced hardware among the worlds leading suppliers, for very specialized, high performance applications to ensure that our clients are not disappointed with any aspect of the window or door. Our accomplishment as leaders of innovative solutions for complicated or difficult projects, and our creative cooperation with window hardware suppliers, has created a upvc hardware combination of unsurpassed quality, tested to withstand min of 20,000 cycles and guarantees flawless operation for the users for many years.   A complete guide for double glazed high quality hardware can be found here


BASIX Compliance


With greater concerns about the environmentally detrimental methods and materials of traditional building practices, the government introduced special measures to minimise the long term impact on the environment. By using our products in your home, you will improve the rating of your home, because double glazing rates higher than single glazing in analysis and pvc rates higher than aluminium in terms of thermal performance. In addtion, consider strategic placement of windows and doors to maximise natural light but limit the exposure to midday summer sun, by utilising shade from nearby trees, other buidings, orientation, area and other factors.   Extra information about double glazed basix compliance can be found here


Corrosion Resistance


Window Factory Double Glazed Windows and Doors exceed expectations in many hostile environments that are not suitable for other types of materials. Due to the unique properties of upvc, the frame maintains high tensile strength and modulus over a moderate temperature range, low thermal conductivity, and excellent chemical and corrosion resistance to a variety of aggressive substances. In general upvc has good acid and alkali resistance as well as excellent vapour barrier properties and excellent UV resistance. Upvc frames provide many construction advantages due to the material's inherent corrosion resistance, lightweight, ease of fabrication, and other labor-saving characteristics. In addition, upvc frames are high precision and can be manufactured to a tolerable value of +/-3mm, which is ideal for demanding architectural applications.   Supplementary advice on double glazed corrosion resistance


UV Resistance


We only use quality extrusion that has been rigorously tested for UV radiation in harsh environments in desert or mountain conditions. The profile has been specifically formulated for Australian conditions to thwart potential damage from the sun. Un-reinforced uPVC window profiles have a lack of rigidity and a high coefficient of expansion. To avoid preventable damage, we always reinforce all our windows and door frames with aluminium or steel, according to customer requirements.   Supplementary advice on double glazed uv resistance




uPVC Double Glazed Windows and Doors are constructed with the highest precision to keep out water during the rain, storms and even cyclones and have been used many times in marine applications, where their quality is heavily tested. They are far more waterproof than other types of windows as they don't absorb moisture. They will not leak (a common complaint of many owners of aluminium sliding windows) nor will they be damaged by water and rot (a potential problem with wooden windows).   For supplementary material on double glazed waterproof click here


Draft Proof


There are significant savings in electricity that will pay for your windows in 6-7 years and will reduce your CO2 emissions by about 100-150kg per year. For an indication of energy efficiency of a window or door, look for the U-value or R-value. U-value measures the overall heat transfer coefficient, or how well the window/door conducts heat and is also the inverse of the R-value. The lower the U-value, the greater a window's resistance to heat flow and the better its insulating value. Our windows boast a value of 1.8, which means they perform three times better than an aluminium framed window with a typical value of 5.4-5.6. And since windows can contribute to between 15-40% energy loss in a building, installing the most energy efficient windows available should be the intelligent homeowner's priority.   Continued on the double glazed draft proof page


Manufactured Locally


We don't share the vision of our competitors, for our product to be manufactured in China or India, and are committed to all round excellence in quality and service to our clients. We are disappointed that many consumers are tempted by the seemingly bargain price not realizing that the economy in cost is directly related to the quality not only of primary material but also of components. In our experience, advanced manufacturing techniques in precision and speed for improved automation and the use of intelligent, experienced and passionate people can provide long term and sustainable productivity improvements that lead to cost efficiency and price competitiveness. We are price competitive without compromising on quality because we are a lean, efficient and innovative organization that doesn't engage in opportunistic overcharging, and genuinely grateful customers and associates that would otherwise have not been able to afford such comfort and style reward us with a lot of return business!   Additional information on double glazed manufactured locally can be found at this location


Value for Money


Double Glazed Windows and Doors are a lasting source of value for your home through sustainable energy savings and ease of use, as well as adding a timeless elegance that will improve appearance and resale value of your home. Thin or slender window and door frames can make even a well built home seem cheaply built, whereas sturdy and substantial window and door frames will highlight the quality finishes and reinforce the unassailability of your home. Our Double Glazed Windows and Doors are very price competitive, and although they are more expensive than standard aluminium sliding windows they will work for you and pay for themselves over the years in energy savings, cheaper maintenance, improved comfort and higher resale value of your home. With the savings in energy costs, we estimate that the Double Glazed Windows and Doors can pay for themselves in 7 years.   A complete guide for double glazed value for money can be found here




Elegant and attractive, yet practical, durable and energy efficient, we use German systems which offer quality and style that is simply superior. As the leading European manufacturers of uPVC window and door systems, out German suppliers enjoy an enviable reputation for quality and design. With decades of extensive experience in producing the highest quality windows and doors, you can rely on us to deliver exceptional performance windows and doors with a value for money that our competitors find difficult to challenge.   Extra information about double glazed versatility can be found here


Stress Free Installation


Your satisfaction is of paramount importance to us and we do all we can to ensure a trouble free installation and operation for many years to come. It is easy for us because we are supremely confident that our windows and doors will withstand the test of time even in a harsh environment because we use materials of unsurpassed quality. Knowledge, experience and ingenuity identify our technicians who are experts in their field. We constantly serve customers whose problems were rejected by our competitors due to being 'too hard' or 'impossible'! Whether it is a new construction or a renovation, you can expect the windows and doors to be designed, manufactured and installed in a timely, efficient and clean manner.   More info on double glazed stress free installation


Bushfire Resistance


With a changing environment, bushfires have noticably increased their ferocity leaving many families devasted. Take control and protect your home by choosing Upvc Double Glazed Windows and Doors which are non-combustible and self extinguishing. Upvc Double Glazed Windows and Doors are an excellent alternative to wood for those cusotmers who live in bushfire prone areas. In fact, one of the few homes to have survived the Marysville bushfire in Victoria had upvc windows, in addition to the upvc windows, pvc was extensively used in other parts of the home.   Get the answers on your questions on double glazed bushfire resistance on this page


Climate Control


The power of the sun is generally underestimated. In one home, we measured 7kW of solar energy per hour on a sunny day in January, which is enough to some of your home appliances including air conditioners and heaters. This means that the same amount of energy is heating your home as you are using on an appliance to cool it! Upto 40% of heat or cold, depending on the season, can be escaping your home through badly insulated windows. Would you buy an appliance if you were told it could only operate at 60% capacity? And yet if your windows and doors have an inadequate u value score, you could be undermining your efforts to cool/ heat your home. Double Glazed Windows and Doors offer full control of your surroundings through a tight weather seal to insulate your home and make it energy efficient.   Additional information on double glazed climate control can be found at this location


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942  

French Door


Make a grand entrance to your outdoor living area and impress your family and friends with our traditional and carefully crafted Double Glazed French Doors that add charm and elegance to any home! Double Glazed French Doors open and close like conventional doors, and with an outswing design can save interior space, where it is limited. Combine with a wheelchair accessible threshold, a sidelight/ fixed panel or colonial bars that add the classic look of divided light, and Double Glazed French Doors will become a stunning feature of your home!   Great suggestions and more on double glazed french door can be found here


Stacker Door


The Double Glazed Stacker Door has two or more (upto 6) panels, with one panel sliding past another, and all of the panels resting or being 'stacked' on one or two sides. They are a great alternative to Bifold Double Glazed Doors, when the client prefers the sliding style over the Bifold, or when space is at a premium, since with Stacker or Sliding Double Glazed Doors you need not worry about furniture placement or possible exterior obstacles. These doors feature ease of operation and maintenance, a universally appealing design that will complement any modern home.   Examine all the facts on double glazed stacker door page


Tilt & Turn Door


When design and utility are a priority, our cutting edge technology is sure to impress! For exceptional thermal and acoustic performance coupled with trouble free maintenance and ingenious design, this Door will exceed your expectations. The inward swinging Tilt and Turn Double Glazed Door, operates in the same way as the Tilt and Turn Double Glezed Window, and is built with the same care and precision that any window and door deserves. Special high quality hardware allow a single handle to operate all three functions: multiple security locking points for safety when locked, special hinges allowing the window to tilt inside for gentle air flow, and of course, the fully opening 'turn' function for maximum air flow and ventilation.   Additional information on double glazed tilt & turn door can be found at this location


Sliding Window


Our Double Glazed Windows are more than just apertures for light and ventilation - they can be a major spectacle offering a connection to heaven and earth. Functional, intelligent and convenient are the defining characteristics of our Double Glazed Sliding Windows. All our windows are quipped with high quality hardware for effortless opening and closing enhance all these aspects. We combine efficient technology for Double Glazed Sliding Windows with sophisticated design creating that indispensable convenience for your home. Popular with contemporary homes, our Sliding system offers additional benefit of saving space and when used with mirrored glass, can even serve as a room divider for guest privacy.   To obtain additional information on double glazed sliding window


Bifold Window


Combining the mastery of old world craftsmanship and progressive German engineering technologies, we create the most sophisticated upvc windows for the intelligent consumer who has the capacity to discern between a cheap imitation which creates disappointment, and our exceptional double glazed windows which will please and delight for years to come. Specified by architects as attributes of buildings, bifold windows bring out qualities of creativity, intelligence and magnificence that are easy to recognize but difficult to quantify or replicate by an inferior product. By making choices one transfers to the material assemblage of a building those attributes which really belong to one's personality. It is inevitable that qualities that feature in the buildings' owners' characters are read into architecture. What do your windows say about you?   Examine all the facts on double glazed bifold window page


Sliding Door


for a natural and continuous entry into the outdoor entertaining area, which defines any modern home, choose Window Factory Double Glazed Sliding Doors. Functional, intelligent and convenient are the defining characteristics of our Double Glazed Sliding Doors. All our doors are quipped with high quality hardware for effortless opening and closing enhance all these aspects. We combine efficient technology for Double Glazed Sliding Doors with sophisticated design creating that indispensable convenience for your home. Popular with contemporary homes, our Sliding system offers additional benefit of saving space and when used with mirrored glass, can even serve as a room divider for guest privacy.   More info on double glazed sliding door


Awning Window


Double Glazed Awning Windows allow the window sash to swing outward rather than inward or up and down, so they can be located in may places around the home and easily arranged next to other window types. The awning window is the ideal window type for homes in the temperate climate zone, or homes that are positioned to take advantage of natural ventilation or breeze. Double Glazed Awning windows are made with compression and weather seal and provide higher air-tightness, energy-efficiency and acoustic insulation than other window types such as sliding and double-hung windows. Double Glazed Awning windows have a variety of applications due to their versatility and durability, and are particularly attractive option for contemporary homes because our Awning windows are manufactured locally to an indisputably imposing standard, impressing even the most discerning clientele.   Get all the facts on double glazed awning window


Bifold Door


Embrace the beauty and sophistication of our Bifold Double Glazed Door carefully crafted with uncompromising expertise and unsurpassed quality The Double Glazed Doors are the ideal choice for the aspiring or an expert entertainer, offering an awe inspiring effect of an unobstructed opening onto a pool deck, garden, private beach, bushland or conservatory. The superior performance features are maintained in this style, offering acoustic insulation of upto 40 dB, with excellent energy efficiency rating measured by a u-value of 1.8, all while being corrosion resistant and environmentally friendly.   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed bifold door click here


Tilt & Turn Window


Every day we face tough new challenges and innovate according to our clients' needs and desires, leaving a lasting impression on everyone with our Double Glazed Windows. The most versatile and flexible window that retains its popularity through the changing trends in architecture and interior design is the Double Glazed Tilt & Turn window, which adapts to the users intention to ventilate, clean or insulate through unique hardware and security features. As well as the possibility of opening inwards or outwards, by turning the handle, clients will have the option to tilt the window inside slightly and ventilate or clean the window easily. And of course, for extraordinary performance in acoustic and thermal insulation for full control of the environment inside your home, you will be close it shut and lock it indefinitely for extra security.   Extra information about double glazed tilt & turn window can be found here


Fixed Window


Continuity, refinement and reflection of light will bring out the many benefits by the use of our Double Glazed Fixed Panels. They are cost efficient and offer the ultimum level of high performance in acoustic and noise insulation, since they are non-openable. Our approach deals with important aspects of architecture - the cultural and the natural environment. Combine together with other window and door types to allow the play of light and shadow in your home, or for breathtaking surrounding view, and improve the energy efficiency, sound insulation and comfort qualities in your home. Fixed panels have universal appeal and can be used in any style of home! They are environmentally friendly since they are recyclable and contribute to reduction in carbon emissions.   More info on double glazed fixed window


Profile Systems


First impressions count and every effort has been taken to achieve the correct balance between form and functionality - visual appeal and practicality. From the strategic positioning of hardware, unrivalled surface finishing quality to the colour options - the Rehau Prestige Design leads the market in double glazed windows and door systems. Rehau is a German plastics manufacturer with world class facilities and unlimited polymer solutions. Get all the facts on double glazed profile systems.   More info on double glazed profile systems


Toughened Glass


Also known as tempered glass, it is a type of safety glass that has increased strength and will usually shatter in small, square pieces when broken. It is used when strength, thermal resistance and safety are important considerations. At home you are likely to find toughened glass in the shower and sliding glass patio doors. For commercial structures, it is used in unframed assemblies such as frameless doors, structurally loaded applications and where there is a danger of human impact. Toughened glass is typically four to six times the strength of annealed glass.   A complete guide for double glazed toughened glass can be found here




We appreciate the need to live in harmony with one's surroundings, both architecturally and environmentally, that is why our extensive range of colour combinations attracts many professionals seeking the combination of an eclectic colour range with a cutting edge technology. Our double glazed window and door colour profiles can be manufactured so that the profile beneath the veneer is not white, but has been made to match the veneer colour. The advantage of this method is, that in the event of an accidental damage to the surface, white fragments will not be visible and the double glazed window or door retains its original aesthetic appearance. Read more on double glazed colours.   Get the answers on your questions on double glazed colours on this page




Rehau double glazed window and door systems are enhanced by a large range of ancillary profiles including sills, and angled head drips, square baypoles and couplers as well as frame extensions, ensuring a fully compatible and integrated solution and an easier fit for any double glazing applications. The features built into the double glazed window and door profiles will not only guarantee many years of high performance, but each system has been engineered to ensure maximum efficiency, thus providing you with considerable energy savings and a total peace of mind.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed supplementary can be found here


Low E Glass


Low-e glass brings out the best that technology has to offer for improving your views and comfort! A cool, metal oxide coating is applied to clear or tinted glass, so that the appearance and performance are the same regardless of glass thickness. Low-e glass is recommended by many energy efficiency experts as a result of high performance combined with aesthetics. Low-E glass typically cost about 15% more than ordinary glass, but they reduce energy use by as much as 30-50%, by using most of the heat gain in winter but keep the harmful UV rays out during the summer, and when used in insulated glass units - can have even better benefits.
For hot climates, low-E coating should be applied to the outside pane of glass. If the windows are designed to provide heat energy in the winter and keep heat inside the house typical of cold climates, the Low-E coating will maximise benefit by being on the inside pane of glass.   A complete guide for double glazed low e glass can be found here


Delivery Schedule


Double Glazed Windows and Doors strive to deliver your order of double glazed pvc products in the shortest possible time to maintain high standards of service and efficiency. Normally delivery occurs 2-6 weeks after order, at an agreed date, however delivery times are dependent on size & complexity of your order as well as your location. Customers are also welcome to make their own arrangements to pick up the double-glazed windows and doors from our pvc window and door manufacturing facility.   Great suggestions and more on double glazed delivery schedule can be found here


New Construction


Installation of Double Glazed Windows in new homes or buildings is usually performed by the builder and his team, however, we are prepared to quote and provide an installation service if required. Installation fee is calculated on a per item basis and depends on the size and quantity of the items. The installation quote ordinarily includes glazing, but we can also provide a quote for installation excluding glazing, or a glazing only installation - we are flexible and understand that client circumstances vary.   Read more on double glazed new construction




Double Glazed Windows and Doors recognizes every purchase is a significant investment in your home, and we do everything to ensure the double glazed windows and doors you purchase pay for themselves long after you are so comfortable you forget they are there. Double glazed windows and doors will not require replacement for many years and to guarantee superior performance we use only high quality profile, double glazed units and hardware. Our relationship with clients doesn't end when the job is complete, Double Glazed Windows and Doors are available to you for any help. Additional information on double glazed warranty can be found at this location.   To obtain additional information on double glazed warranty


Measuring Your Window


The most important part of the installation procedure for double glazed windows and doors, comes before you even order your windows. It is critical that you measure your old window opening properly and accurately. Pvc double glazed windows and doors are custom-built and can't be returned if the size ordered was inaccurate. This is why for all replacement windows and doors and some new constructions, our trained technicians will take their own measurements before manufacture. All of our double glazed windows and doors are manufactured to a high accuracy, so ideally you should get the closest fit possible.   For a detailed discussion on the subject of double glazed measuring your window click here




Double Glazed Windows and Doors are committed to protecting our staff, customers, associates and public from risk and injury associated with working with windows and glass products. Most accidents are preventable, and we provide extensive training for our staff to deal with various situations and armed with knowledge and experience, we are confident they are well prepared for uncertainty. Double Glazed Windows and Doors maintain an effective OH&S plan that not only complies with the law, but also is continuously improved as we try to uphold the highest level of safety that reaches beyond minimum legal requirements.   A complete guide for double glazed safety can be found here


Double Glazed Windows in Sydney

  0423 221 942